The cannyboard glossary is an alphabetically sorted dictionary and explains the meaning of terms used in the knowledge base and in dealing with cannyboard.
Active corner
Dog-eared corner that can be used to call up or hide a menu with a single tap. It's in the top right corner of Notes, Sheets, and the Workspace.
Graphical representation of a user profile that is displayed in a Video Call when the camera is deactivated or currently unavailable. The avatar is composed of the first letters of the first and last name of the participant.
cannyboard App
Platform for easier and better collaboration. It provides a holistic digital workflow by simplifying all phases along the collaboration process. cannyboard App brings tools together, structures content and processes and makes the knowledge of participants tangible.
cannyboard Pen
Pen with 2mm tip for writing and drawing on the display of the Sessionboard. It is made of wood and has no electronic components.
Connection Widget
Provides the participants with a PIN and also a QR code for a quick connection of personal devices with a Session on the Sessionboard. The Connection Widget is located within the Session Menu.
Desktop Editing
Allows you to create, open and edit Sessions on your laptop or PC. Thus, the user has access to collaborative group work on cannyboard anytime and anywhere, independent of the availability of a Sessionboard.
Small white crosses for optical division of the Workspace. These make it easier to arrange and align content (Notes, Sheets, etc.). The Main Menu can be called up behind each Grid cross.
A cannyboard user who owns a Session, because it is located in his cannyboard account. He alone has the possibility to share the Session with other people and to withdraw this editing right. He can also transfer his Session to another user, which means he is no longer the owner of this Session. The host can also take on a leading or moderating role in a group.
Hybrid meeting
A combination of a face-to-face meeting in a physical location, e.g. a meeting room, and an online meeting with remote participants, e.g. from home. With cannyboard, this type of meeting is made possible with Shared Sessions.
Blue box that appears at the top of the Workspace as soon as Notes are sent from own devices into the Session on the Sessionboard. The sent Notes can be dragged from the Inbox to the Workspace.
Main Menu
Menu in which all functions for group work with cannyboard are located. The Main Menu is located on the Workspace of each Session and can be activated with a simple tap on any cross of the Grid and disappears after a few seconds.
Media Note
Note to which image, video and PDF content can be uploaded. With the help of Media Notes, for example, images can be placed in the background of Sheets.
Working and presentation techniques that the host uses in group work, conferences or workshops to support problem solving. Various moderation methods are used for this purpose.
Digital notepad and a tool for content on cannyboard. Text can be created as a Text Note and image, video and PDF content can be uploaded to Media Notes. Notes can be placed on Sheets, sorted and pinned on the Workspace.
Blue box into which Notes must be dragged to send them into an open Session on the Sessionboard. The Outbox is located in the "Send your input" environment of the cannyboard account on your device and is marked accordingly.
Group member who takes part in the meeting in a non-leading / moderating role and who is connected with their personal device or joins a Session via link.
Personal device
A device that is connected to a telecommunication or data network and can be used for voice and data communication between several participants. This includes: tablet, smartphone laptop or PC.
Numeric code with which users can connect their own devices to the Sessionboard.
(To) pin
Used in connection with the "Pin Note" function of the Note Menu and means fixing Notes to Sheets. This means that these can no longer be accidentally moved and overwritten or overdrawn with the cannyboard pen.
Workspaces arranged one behind the other on which content can be arranged and edited. They help to structure a Session clearly - either in terms of content for clear sorting or building work statuses, or in terms of time for the following sections of a Session. Phases are navigated by swiping back and forth on the right or left edge of the Workspace.
Far distant in space, but linked online.
Remote Collaboration
Describes the common remote work ("remote work") in a team regardless of the geographical location of the team members. annyboard One enables synchronous, hybrid collaboration on content in a Shared Session.
Screen Sharing
Transfer of screen content from a mobile device, such as laptop, smartphone or tablet to the screen of the Sessionboard. The screen transfer is possible via HDMI cable or wirelessly via WLAN.
Screen Sharing Widget
Window that opens on the Workspace as soon as the screen sharing function is started via the Main Menu or a new Session is created on the Sessionboard. It contains the screen sharing control panel, which can be accessed by tapping the Screen Sharing Widget once.
File format of cannyboard, which consists of eight Workspaces arranged one behind the other and includes all worked out or prepared contents of the Workspace. Each Session always has a specific owner (host) in whose cannyboard account it is saved. Sessions can also be shared with other people.
Device manufactured by cannyboard, usually consisting of a 4K display with multi-touch input, a router and a PC that acts as a local server. It is currently provided with a screen diagonal of 86'', but other sizes will follow. With its mobile stand, the Sessionboard can be flexibly moved in and between rooms.
Session Library
Storage location of all Sessions of a user, which can be accessed within the cannyboard account under "My Sessions".
Session Menu
Menu in the Active Corner of the Workspace to manage the current Session.
Session Mode
There are different ways of working together in Sessions. You can choose between different modes in order to control the participants' access to the Session and to determine how they should work together in the Session, whether moderated or for free editing.
Digital counterpart to flipchart and whiteboard and thus a versatile basic tool for content on cannyboard. With the cannyboard pen you can write and sketch on Sheets. In addition, content such as text, images, videos or documents can be arranged and structured on Sheets using Notes.
Start Screen
Appears automatically when cannyboard starts up. It shows the PIN for connecting the own devices to the Sessionboard. In addition, users can start working together directly from here by starting a new Session or calling up the Screen Sharing function.
Session Sharing
Sessions can be shared with other people via your cannyboard account. A link will then be created that you can send to the participants.
Text Note
Note into which text content can be written. Texts can be used as whole Text Notes or can be used to label Sheets.
A facilitation tool that allows you to set a time span that expires after starting and gives an acoustic signal. The timer can be created via the Main Menu on the Workspace.
Storage location for content (Notes and Sheets) that is not yet or no longer needed on the Workspace, but still needs to be quickly accessible. It is located at the bottom of the Workspace and is available for each of the eight Phases.
Video Call
A video telephony that enables real-time exchange between several people at different locations via audio and video channel. It can be started at any time while working together on a Shared Session, to which the host invites via a link. Participation is possible using a Sessionboard or laptop / PC.
Video Call Widget
Menu bar of the video call that opens when a Shared Session is joined. The user can join a video call with this widget. The videocall widget can be maximized to see the participants' video transmission.
An element of the user interface of cannyboard on which information is provided and actions can be performed. Example: video call widget, connection widget.
Place where all content can be created, edited and presented at cannyboard. It is arranged eight times in a row in Phases and forms the basis of a Session. The Workspace extends in a 16:9 ratio over the entire screen area of the Sessionboard and is optically divided with the Grid - an area-wide arrangement of crosses.
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