The essential functions within a Session are organized on the Workspace of the Sessionboard and enable the arrangement, editing and presentation of content. In a newly started Session, you will find the following elements on the Sessionboard:
- Session Name - displays the Session title or a note on Session assignment.
- Video Call Widget - for joining video calls.
- Screen Sharing Widget - for a quickstart into screen sharing.
- Workspace
- Tutorial - introduces you to the most important functions of cannyboard.
- Session Menu
Sessions that you open on the laptop / PC are essentially made up of the same elements. Learn more about the user interface of Sessions in desktop editing here.
The Session Menu
The essential functions within a Session are organized on the Workspace of the Sessionboard and enable the arrangement, editing and presentation of content. The Session Menu in the upper right corner of the Workspace can be used to manage the current Session.
The following elements are part of the Session Menu:
- Current PIN – currently valid PIN for the connection of your personal devices.
- Connection Widget – opens QR Code and PIN to connect to the Sessionboard.
- Close Session – ends the currently running Session.
Please note: This Session Menu is not available in Desktop Editing. You can find all the functions relevant for the Session in the toolbar there.
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